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Series of ‘lies’ sparked rift with Rulani Mokwena, claims Sead Ramovic

TS Galaxy coach Sead Ramovic has detailed a series of ‘lies’ that he believes sparked the rift with Mamelodi Sundowns coach Rulani Mokwena. 

Tensions boiled over on Tuesday during the heated 1-1 draw between Mamelodi Sundowns and TS Galaxy. The final whistle ignited a fiery confrontation between both coaching staffs, prompting police intervention on the pitch to quell the escalating conflict.

The already heated rivalry between Ramovic and Mokwena reached a boiling point early this year when the German-born coach alleged that Mokwena had threatened him during a private phone conversation.


Ramovic claims that the issues began when Mokwena started ‘disrespecting’ his players, staff, and himself. 

“When I came [to South Africa] we had a very nice relationship [with Rulani Mokwena],” Ramovic told MSW. “But the thing started when he started to disrespect my players, my staff and myself. [That’s] where I raised my voice and nothing more.”

The 45-year-old TS Galaxy mentor also accuses Mokwena of downplaying his team’s achievements and finding excuses to put them down. He specifically mentioned a comment Mokwena made about his team playing ‘catenaccio,’ a defensive style of football.

“If we win a game, is it really tough to congratulate us for a fair game and beautiful job from the opponent?” Ramovic asked. “Why always find excuses to put the other coach down and raise yourself?”

He was referring to the Carling Knockout clash in which Galaxy beat Sundowns after a penalty shootout. Mokwena expressed his frustration at the absence of seven key players who were on international duty. 

Sead Ramovic and Rulani Mokwena in a game
Sead Ramovic/Rulani Mokwena

Ramovic also alleges that Mokwena threatened him over the phone and said “a lot of bad things” about him. 

One of the most serious accusations Ramovic made was that Mokwena lied about calling Bernard Parker after the TS Galaxy striker suffered a bad injury. Sundowns midfielder Bongani Zungu inflicted a serious leg injury on Parker with a reckless tackle.

Ramovic claims that Parker has confirmed that Mokwena never called him.

“The best lie was that he called Bernard Parker after the bad injury,” Ramovic said. “It’s a lie because when you ask Parker, he will tell you he never called, so he lied. This is very sad from a coach [whose player] injured my player.”


Ramovic also accused Mokwena of lying about Hugo Broos, the head coach of the South African national team.

He disputed Mokwena’s claims of having discussed Broos’ ‘Jose Mourinho of South Africa’ comment with the Bafana mentor. 

Mokwena had stated that he expressed his dissatisfaction to Broos, who then apologised. However, Ramovic countered by accusing Mokwena of fabricating the call with Broos.

“He lied about [Hugo] Broos and threatened me,” Ramovic said. 

In a more recent issue, the former VfL Wolfsburg goalkeeper had qualms with statements made by Mokwena to the effect that he told his players to injure Sundowns players intentionally.

“He lied that we showed a video before the game against Sundowns three weeks ago and we told the players that they should, on purpose, injure [Sundowns] players.”

Ramovic says TS Galaxy have taken the matter to court, adding that he wants to “prove a point that [Mokwena] is probably practising lying.”

RELATED STORY: Shots fired! Sead Ramović takes another vile swipe at Rulani Mokwena

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